Share Deposit

Share Deposit

Our AI currently holds the following securities:

Germany (in Euro):

no positions

USA (in USD):

symbol name qty avg_entry_price market_value current_price
AAPL Apple Inc. 138 133.71 23403.42 169.59
AXP American Express 77 157.35 12423.18 161.34
DIS The Walt Disney Company 120 95.97 12324.00 102.70
GS Goldman Sachs 31 341.17 10643.85 343.35
HD The Home Depot 36 292.07 10802.88 300.08
MSFT Microsoft Corporation 50 228.45 15375.00 307.50
NKE Nike 102 116.48 12911.16 126.58
UNH UnitedHealth Group 25 464.72 12302.25 492.09
XOM ExxonMobil -1 101.28 -118.22 118.22